Monday, February 15, 2010

LZR Racer

So, it is a new semester. I haven't written anything yet, but it's never too late to start.

I have realized that I am really bad at 3D space when it comes to design. Really, I'm not so hot at websites in general. Then you throw in this animation's bad. So, I would really welcome some feedback. That is the only way I will get better. And it will be nice to actually track my progress. I am planning on posting before my projects are due in the future.

However, this project is already past its due date. We basically had to pick something (simple) and make a site about it. Yes, I am a complete nerd and I did, in fact, do my site on a speedo. :) Hey, I'm a swimmer. What can I say? Fortunately, it's a cool suit and wins lots of records. :) Anyway, there was so much that I wanted to do with it, including:

  • A preloader, it's sort of slow, and if you click something before it's done loading, it gets all messed up.
  • Much more information to go through, possibly sub links to display some of it.
  • A way to magnify the suit to look at the specific materials
  • Stats about how much it increases speed, medals, etc.
  • I would also love the picture on the home page to spin so that you can see all the angles of the suit.
Anyway, I would love some feedback on it. I will be taking a portfolio class in the fall, so will still be able to implement changes. Thanks!!

As a side note before you click, it does not at this time have a preloader, therefore give it a bit before you start clicking on buttons. You know, read the info or something. Otherwise, it will be a mess. Thanks.

flash website preview


  1. Yeah! It works! My wife is a math programming whiz!

  2. Looks good. I really like your poll, too!
